Development of Students’ Skills through Gamification and Serious Games: An Exploratory Study
Development of Students’ Skills through Gamification and Serious Games: An Exploratory Study
Development of Students’ Skills through Gamification and Serious Games: An Exploratory Study
Sara Barragán-Pulido, María Luisa Barragán-Pulido, Jesús B. Alonso-Hernández, José Juan Castro-Sánchez, and María José Rabazo-Méndez
"Currently, technological development is making its way into education through the increasing integration of new technologies into teaching. In this context, gamification emerges as one of the ways to incorporate the pedagogical process into the digital world, creating the need to encourage both the digital skills of educators and students. The objective of this work is to shed light on the growing use of technology-based teaching methods and encourage their integration into educational practice from the teacher’s point of view. This work specifically analyses the European Framework for Digital Competence of Educators, relates the different digital competences defined to a series of localized educational solutions, and proposes a direct relationship between different gamification tools and serious games. Based on the review carried out, this study highlights a profound change in the educational process that involves digitization and the use of new technologies to optimize learning, as well as the training needs of teaching staff and the development of educational solutions that take into account the different digital competences."
Barragán-Pulido, S., Barragán-Pulido, M. L., Alonso-Hernández, J. B., Castro-Sánchez, J. J., & Rabazo-Méndez, M. J. (2023). Development of students’ skills through gamification and serious games: An exploratory study. Applied Sciences, 13(9), 5495.
European Framework DigCompEdu, Gamification, Serious games