Gamification and Motivation
Gamification and Motivation
Gamification and Motivation
By Shane Ede
“The author of the report looks at research describing self-determination theory, gamification, and the effects that both have on the motivation of learners. The structure of motivation within the framework of self-determination theory and how that structure may be applied to gamification is discussed. An examination of research done on motivational effects of gamification including both intrinsic and extrinsic motivations is done based on the research presented. The author concludes there is evidence that properly implemented gamification that takes into account the framework of motivation within self-determination theory can increase the motivation of learners, but there is little research into what that proper implementation looks like. Further research into the practical application of gamification and longitudinal studies of the effects of gamification are suggested.”
Ede, S. (2022). Gamification and motivation. Issues and Trends in Learning Technologies, 10(1). doi:10.2458/itlt.4872
Gamification, self-determination theory, motivation, learner motivation, research