The Impact of different gamification types in the context of dataliteracy: An online experiment
The Impact of different gamification types in the context of dataliteracy: An online experiment
The Impact of different gamification types in the context of dataliteracy: An online experiment
By Nikoletta-Zampeta Legaki, Daniel Fernández Galeote and Juho Hamari
“As the pace at which humans create data increases, a new challenge for individuals and societyis to turn a world full of data into a data-driven world. However, data and statistical literacyremain difficult topics to engage with whereas gamification rises as a promising technique toimprove motivation. Therefore, we developed a software composed of interactive charts and tools aiming to teach data literacy in four different versions: (i) challenge- (badges), (ii)immersion- (avatars; story), and (iii) social-based (competition) gamification, along with (iv) acontrol version (no gamification) to compare the effects of different gamification types onlearning outcomes. We conducted four-group random assignment pre-, post-test onlineexperiments with students (N=181) from various courses, schools, and educational levels. Theprimary results of our experiments show a statistically significant improvement in students’ performance of almost 44% from using the software. Gamification types did not result instatistically significant differences in students’ learning outcomes, suggesting optimismregarding the contribution of interactive data visualization in improving data literacy.”
Legaki, N., Galeote, D. F., &Hamari, J. (2022). The Impact of different gamification types in the context of data literacy: An online experiment. Retrieved June 15, 2022, from
Gamification, data literacy, statistical literacy, education, exploratory data analysis, research