
On Mixed-Initiative Content Creation for Video Games

On Mixed-Initiative Content Creation for Video Games

On Mixed-Initiative Content Creation for Video Games

By Gorm Lai and Frederic FolLeymarie


“We present a survey of mixed-initiative methods for the creation of content for video games. We also propose a definition of what mixed-initiative implies, as the term lacks a clear specification. The survey includes works not directly aimed at video games but which create content that can potentially be used in games, such as art programs utilizing mixed-initiative. Furthermore, we highlight research areas that overlap wholly or partly with mixed-initiative, such as casual creators, explainable AI, or interactive evolutionary computation. We examine these and several other topics in the context of mixed-initiative. Finally, we provide a catalogue of typical techniques and challenges connected with mixed-initiative before considering future directions.”


Lai, G., & Leymarie, F. F. (2022, May). On mixed-initiative content creation for video games. Retrieved June 6, 2022, from


Games, visualization, phonocardiography, creativity, task analysis, machine learning, production, research