WIP: Bingo! Gamification to Promote Course Community, Engagement, and Instructor Rapport in a BME Course
WIP: Bingo! Gamification to Promote Course Community, Engagement, and Instructor Rapport in a BME Course
WIP: Bingo! Gamification to Promote Course Community, Engagement, and Instructor Rapport in a BME Course
By Rachel Childers
“A “Bingo” sheet was implemented in a mid-sized lecture section of an upper-level biomedical engineering course as a way to encourage professional development, interactions with the instructor of the course, and building course community. The Bingo sheet consists of a 4x4 grid of 12 different activities, such as “attend a department event”, “add a song to the course playlist”, and “attend the professor’s student hours”. This utilizes aspects of gamification to allow students who successfully get a Bingo by getting stamps 4 in a row, column, or diagonal are able to cash it in for a second attempt for a final project paper. One of the main goals of the Bingo sheet was to help foster interactions between students and the course instructor for a mid-sized course (~55 students) where masks are required. A secondary set of goals was to encourage professional development opportunities. This exercise provided benefits to both the course instructor and to the students. It helped the course instructor get to know students, learn their names, and encouraged attendance. Students reported enjoying the activity and reported being motivated to engage in the course and department community by it.”
Childers, R. (2022, August 23). WIP: Bingo! gamification to promote course community, engagement, and instructor rapport in a BME course. Retrieved October 21, 2022, from https://peer.asee.org/wip-bingo-gamification-to-promote-course-community-engagement-and-instructor-rapport-in-a-bme-course
Gamification, community, engagement, instructor, rapport, course, research