Games as Boosters of Adult Students' Speaking Learning Experiences
Games as Boosters of Adult Students' Speaking Learning Experiences
Games as Boosters of Adult Students' Speaking Learning Experiences
By Gabriela Franco and Laura Valcheff
“Communicative abilities are an integral part of foreign language learning since they directly affect students’ communicative competence. The present research sought tossed light on the relationship between the implementation of ludic activities in the English as a Foreign Language adult-learning classroom, and their impact on students’‘ ‘motivation and level of engagement to develop and enhance their speaking skill. A total of 7 adult students, and 2 teacher-researchers took part in this study. The teacher-researchers reported the results obtained from four game sessions, three of them conducted face-to-face, and one remotely, which consisted of three board games and a web-based game to generate different types of interaction between the participants. This is a qualitative educational action research study, which through a model of action and reflection allowed the researchers to implement actions and analyze the findings in this context and to put theory into practice. The data was collected through persona interviews, observations, and video sessions, and the results obtained from the four game sessions not only showed the effect on the students’ motivation to participate in the communicative activities suggested, but also provided input on whether they enhance or not their communicative abilities.”
Franco, G., &Valcheff, L. (2021). Games as boosters of Adult Students' speaking learning experiences. Retrieved April 8, 2022, from
Speaking skill, ludic activities, game-like activities, English as a foreign language adult learning, motivation, engagement, communicative abilities, research