
An experimental study on the effects of gamification on task performance

An experimental study on the effects of gamification on task performance

An experimental study on the effects of gamification on task performance

An experimental study on the effects of gamification on task performance

By Changiz Hosseini, Oda Humlung, Asle Fagerstrøm, and Moutaz Haddara


“This experimental study investigates the effects of gamification on task performance. A between-group experimental design was used in relation to the Covid-19 pandemic where the participants were asked to perform tasks related to: a) hygiene and infection (wash hands, keep distance, etc.), b) routines (walk every day, be social with friends, clean the house, etc.), and c) personal issues (learn something new, check in with a friend, etc.). The test group used an application based on a gamified system and the control group used the same application without a gamified system. Our main findings suggest that gamification has increased the quality of work in task performance and subsequent deliveries over time. In addition, gamification has positively affected on-time deliveries. If a deadline was missed, gamification motivated users to always deliver. The contribution of this study to research and implications for management are discussed, and future research avenues are presented.”


Hosseini, C., Humlung, O., Fagerstrøm, A., &; Haddara, M. (2022). An experimental study on the effects of gamification on Task Performance. Procedia Computer Science, 196, 999-1006. doi:10.1016/j.procs.2021.12.102


Project management, task performance, gamification, experiment, research