Integrating Gamification: The Human-Centered Gamification Process
Integrating Gamification: The Human-Centered Gamification Process
Integrating Gamification: The Human-Centered Gamification Process
By Alischa Thomas, Frederik Bader, Jörg Thomaschewski and Maria Rauschenberger
“The dynamically growing research area of gamification is loaded with a lack of consensus on definitions, a variety of non-validated frameworks, and few practical insights. Hence, we conducted a literature review to explore current best practices in applying gamification for integration in a practical use case. Instead, we found a narrow focus on theoretical discussions. For a stronger representation of practical research, standards need to be established for transferring gamification concepts to practical application. To fill this research gap, we designed a process and tools for a practical, human-centered, and context-related gamification application. We derived the process and tools from insights of our literature review as well as the realization of a gamification use case on a German online comparison platform. In addition, we incorporated standards such as the Human-Centered Design Process to maintain the established quality level of the field of user experience. In this paper, we present the Human-Centered Gamification Process (HCGP) and provide tools as practical guidance to lower the barrier for researchers and professionals to conduct theoretical and practical gamification projects.”
Thomas, A., Bader, F., Thomaschewski, J., & Rauschenberger, M. (2021). Integrating gamification: The human-centered gamification process. Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies. doi:10.5220/0010712500003058
Gamification, user research, user experience, human-centered design, iterative design. research