The Use of Gamification in Teaching
The Use of Gamification in Teaching
The Use of Gamification in Teaching
By Zioud Fatima Zahra
“Foreign language learners need to be highly motivated towards the targeted language and effectively engaged with the content and the participants of the language inside an educational setting. Beginner students of English face obstacles in learning English especially if they have lack of motivation and classroom interaction. This problem affects negatively on the student’s learning skills performance, decreases from their academic achievements and it may cause psychological complexes because of stress, anxiety and lack of self-confidence. These negative reasons that occur because of the lack of motivation convince the researchers to find pedagogical solutions that can reduce from its effects on English students. One of the causes is the inappropriate teacher’s methods of teaching, thus the present study suggests a modernstrategy that can treat students’ lack of engagement and participation. The sample of this study is fourth year pupils in Zerari Mohamed Saleh middle school at Biskra (n=14). The researcher followed a mixed method design through using two different instruments. The first tool is teacher’s interview that occurred with the middle school English teachers, it helps the researcher to collect effective data concerning the study. The second instrument is a quasi experiment that was done with the pupils(4ms4) through distributing a pre-test, treatment and post-test; the researcher relied on the use of educational games with the targeted group in order to observe the difference between the use of traditional teaching methods and the use of gamification technique in answering classroom activities besides to the use of t-test to prove the validity of the research’s hypothesis. The collected data was analyzed using both descriptive and inferential statistics. Overall, the present research study confirmed the alternative hypothesis and rejected the null hypothesis which claimed that the use of games-based activities is an effective method in teaching and learning English as foreign language.”
Zahra, Z. (2021, June 20). The use of gamification in teaching English language: Its effectiveness on raising students' motivation and engagement in classrooms the case of fourth-year middle school students at Zerari Mohamed Saleh-Biskra. Retrieved February 21, 2022, from
Gamification, teaching, foreign language, learners, educational games, game-based activities, research