
Exploration of smell rehabilitation video games

Exploration of smell rehabilitation video games

Exploration of smell rehabilitation video games

Exploration of smell rehabilitation video games

By Martin Wibom


“This project explores opportunities in designing hybrid digital/physical smell rehabilitation video games using no unique game peripherals. During a 13-week process, three major iterations were created and externally tested on a small user group. The first two iterations contained five simpleminigames that served to explore different types of game concepts. For thefinal iteration, two minigames were fully developed, a slow- and fast-paced game. The main findings were that slow-paced better-facilitated smell training than fast-paced games; aesthetics increased the player’s focus on smell training; not utilising unique game peripherals limited the design opportunities and implementation of smell mechanics.”


Wibom, M. (2021). Exploration of smell rehabilitation video games. Retrieved February 03, 2022, from


Olfactory, computer games, mini games, smell, physical therapy, HCI, interaction design, rehabilitation, design, smell training, olfactory rehabilitation, Covid-19, smell loss, research