
Gamification: Its Pedagogical Innovations Benefit Internship Seekers

Gamification: Its Pedagogical Innovations Benefit Internship Seekers

Gamification: Its Pedagogical Innovations Benefit Internship Seekers

Gamification: Its Pedagogical Innovations Benefit Internship Seekers

Brenda N. Santos - Guevara, Elvira G. Rincón Flores


“Results in higher education and literature have shown that gamification favors intrinsic motivation, cognitive process, and the social aspects of learning by engaging students with their courses. We present the use of a Leaderboard, integrating the used award system, in which students gained badges, built with eleven nicknames, six avatars and seven types of badges. The course Growth-related Competencies aims to prepare students for the search of their internships through tools that allow them to develop professional competencies. This Research was conducted to search for a way to enhance students' performance and quality of done assignments while considering that content seems to be boring and exhaustive for students who review the complete recruitment process (built their resume, have a mock interview, and get familiarized with job boards). We found, through exploratory qualitative research, that students chose an avatar or nickname (optional for students) according to something meaningful for them such as a role model they have or a character with whom they share characteristics according to their self-image. We also learned they found their motivation to participate in gamification as an opportunity to get recognition from teachers and classmates, as well as a reaffirmation of their performance while developing their professional competencies and get prepared to search for their internships. Personal satisfaction, extra points and rewarding were also reasons for them to participate as members of the Leaderboard of the course. Results showed that enhanced gamified design improve student’s participation, delivered assignments and quality of hiring products, reflected on final grades. Keywords: Gamification, Leaderboard, Professional Competencies, Internship, Educational Innovation, Higher Education”.


Santos-Guevara, B. N., & Rincon-Flores, E. G. (2020, December). Gamification: when pedagogical innovations benefit internship seekers. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Education (Vol. 6, No. 2, pp. 17-25).


Gamification, motivation, higher education