In Tokyo's Shibuya Ward, 110 students from 11 Kanto region high schools participated in a board game tournament, marking the seventh such event and a significant increase from the 36 participants in 2018. Students played popular games like Monopoly, Catan, and Carcassonne, with many also bringing personal favorites.
Read MoreIn 2023, the board game industry reached $16.8 billion, projected to grow to $40.1 billion by 2032. While classics like “Scrabble” evolve, new games such as “Pandemic” and “Wingspan” have gained popularity.
Read MoreThe evolution of user experience (UX) in board games presents a unique challenge distinct from video games. Unlike the standardized interfaces of video games, where controllers and output systems remain consistent, board games continuously reinvent their interfaces with each new design.
Read MoreThe Hobby" delves into the world of board games, exploring their history and modern-day significance. Filmmaker Simon Ennis interviews enthusiasts like Tom Vazel and Candice Harris, showcasing their passion and the diverse gaming landscape.
Read MoreAs we get older and start to experience adult life – with all its busyness and responsibilities, plus a lack of time – the things we used to do for fun as children can easily fall by the wayside. In some cases, this doesn’t matter too much, but when it comes to board games, it seems a shame. There are many reasons why board games and tabletop games are good for you and why you should continue to play them as you get older. Read on to find out more, and it might persuade you to find your old games or even start playing new ones.
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