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Queer tabletop roleplaying games provide valuable lessons that even 'Dungeons & Dragons' can learn from

Queer tabletop roleplaying games provide valuable lessons that even 'Dungeons & Dragons' can learn from

Queer tabletop roleplaying games provide valuable lessons that even 'Dungeons & Dragons' can learn from

Cody Mello-Klein

September, 2, 2024

Originally Published Here


Researchers at Northeastern University studied how some tabletop role-playing games (TTRPGs) are prioritizing queerness and inclusivity, offering valuable insights for mainstream games like Dungeons & Dragons (D&D). While D&D has made progress in inclusivity, many of its rules remain centered around combat rather than identity. In contrast, the games analyzed in the study, like Sleepaway and Monster Hearts, explicitly integrate gender and sexuality into the gameplay mechanics, ensuring safer and more inclusive environments. These games prioritize narrative and relationship-building over combat, encouraging conversations about identity. The research suggests that D&D and similar games could benefit from adopting these inclusive strategies.


Mello-Klein, C. (2024, September 2). Queer tabletop roleplaying games provide valuable lessons that even Dungeons & Dragons can learn from. Phys.org. https://phys.org/news/2024-09-queer-tabletop-roleplaying-games-valuable.html