Does Gamification Help to Connect With Consumers?
Does Gamification Help to Connect With Consumers?
Does Gamification Help to Connect With Consumers?
By Cathrine V. Jansson-Boyd Ph.D.
June 24, 2024
Gamification involves integrating game-like elements into non-game contexts, such as shopping, to boost consumer engagement and brand connection. This approach leverages the widespread enjoyment of games to make interactions more engaging, aiming to increase sales and brand awareness. Examples include Volkswagen’s Twitter race and Casper’s puzzle ads, which successfully drew consumer attention. However, gamification does not always guarantee success; failed projects have cost businesses significantly. For gamification to be effective, it should offer consumers autonomy and avoid perceived persuasion. It may also be valuable in digital mental health interventions, making them more engaging and effective.
Jansson-Boyd, C. V. (2024, June 24). Does gamification help to connect with consumers? Psychology Today.