Enhancing Cognitive Function in Brain Injury Patients Through Serious Games
Enhancing Cognitive Function in Brain Injury Patients Through Serious Games
Enhancing Cognitive Function in Brain Injury Patients Through Serious Games
November 30, 2023
Traumatic brain injury can cause severe cognitive impairments, making rehabilitation challenging.
Researchers started a retrospective study to design a customized serious game-based cognitive rehabilitation system for brain injury patients.
Subsequently, the conceptual model for system structure and game content was discussed and agreed upon.
In the second stage, the system was designed using various modeling diagrams.
In the third stage, a system prototype was developed using the Unity game engine and C# programming.
The results showed in focus group meetings involving 7 participants, a conceptual model for the system structure and game content was formulated.
The chosen gaming genre, 2D casual, included a postman character and 10 missions on the smartphone platform, as determined by the focus groups.
Enhancing cognitive function in brain injury patients through serious games. (2023, November 30). Physician’s Weekly - A trusted source of medical information for healthcare professional. https://www.physiciansweekly.com/enhancing-cognitive-function-in-brain-injury-patients-through-serious-games/