Using Digital Games To Teach The Humanities
Using Digital Games To Teach The Humanities
Using Digital Games To Teach The Humanities
By James LaPierre
March 15, 2021
The research is in - educational games and humanities learning are a perfect match!
This week, we're examining some of our favorite educational games we've created over the years that teach humanities topics like civics, English language arts, natural history, and more.
Be sure to reach out if you or your organization would like to learn more about creating a custom learning game of your own - and without further ado, let's get started!
Kicking off today's list is Scholastic W.O.R.D. - a game-based reading and vocabulary program designed for K-5 classroom use! Grounded in the research of Dr. Elfrieda Hiebert, who discovered and cataloged the 2,500 high-utility word families that make up 90% of all texts, we collaborated with Scholastic to create a suite of seven web- and tablet-based games that teach the foundational core of English language literacy.
Next up, That's Your Right - a digital card game that teaches and tests players' knowledge of the first ten amendments to the United States Constitution! Designed to seamlessly integrate with Annenberg Classroom's comprehensive Constitution curriculum, we partnered with the organization to bring Hearthstone-inspired card game mechanics and a rich, painterly aesthetic to the social studies learning game.
Rounding out today's list is our suite for civics learning games created for our longtime partners at iCivics! Retired Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor founded iCivics in 2009 with one mission: to reimagine civic education through interactive and engaging learning game-based learning resources.
From running a presidential campaign in Win the White House, to fighting fake news in NewsFeed Defenders, iCivics' free learning games and resources have been embraced by millions of teachers and students across the country.
LaPierre, J. (2021, March 15). Using Digital Games to teach the humanities. Filament Games.