How robotic gamification helped my elementary students love STEM
How robotic gamification helped my elementary students love STEM
How robotic gamification helped my elementary students love STEM
By Dr. Yuvraj Verma
January 6, 2023
Its complexity is not necessarily because it is incomprehensible, but because it is a new concept for most students.
The competition involved simple and complex tasks completed by the robot that the students programmed, such as direction of movement and angles of rotation to instruct the robot on how it should move to complete its mission.
Some of the missions the students completed during this competition: Robogolf - Students had to push golf balls into the golf holes.
Disco Blocks - Students had to get their robot to a target.
Maze Madness - Students measured the distance the robot needed to move before it could turn to reach its target.
Students were exposed to content pertaining to the end-of-year standard of measurement because they needed to measure the distance or angle the robot had to travel.
On a recent benchmark assessment, students made significant growth within that domain, which is typically seen at the end of the school year after that unit is taught.
Verma, D. Y. (2023, January 6). How robotic gamification helped my elementary students love stem. eSchool News. Retrieved January 27, 2023, from