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Gamification & Game-Based: What’s the Difference?

Gamification & Game-Based: What’s the Difference?

Gamification & Game-Based: What’s the Difference?

August 21, 2023

Originally Published Here


Among these, gamification and game-based learning have emerged as captivating methods that engage learners and enhance the learning experience.

Gamification offers a powerful tool for training administrators to engage learners, foster motivation, and enhance learning outcomes.

Gamification enhances engagement and motivation through game-like elements in non-game contexts, whereas game-based learning uses purpose-built games to directly facilitate learning and skill development.

You can use gamification techniques to motivate learners within a game-based learning environment, combining engagement-enhancing mechanics with immersive learning experiences.

Clearly outline the learning goals and objectives you intend to achieve through gamification or game-based learning.

Be prepared to adapt your gamification strategy or game-based learning design based on feedback and performance data.

Embrace the power of gamification and game-based learning, and embark on a journey to reshape the way knowledge is shared, skills are honed, and learning comes to life.


Gamification & Game-based: What’s the difference?. (2023, August 21). TrainingZone. https://www.trainingzone.co.uk/community/blogs/ricci/gamification-game-based-whats-the-difference