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5 Essential Components Of Games Based Learning

5 Essential Components Of Games Based Learning

5 Essential Components Of Games Based Learning

5 Essential Components Of Games Based Learning

June 24, 2022

By Helen Routledge

Originally Published Here


Designing games may seem easy, but they are complex systems.

It's based on the constructive learning principle of scaffolding.

The player's cognitive load throughout the experience is an essential consideration in design.

Games may seem like child's play but they are often challenging experiences, where the engagement and enjoyment is found in overcoming a challenge.

Choice has been seen to be an incredibly powerful motivator in Learning and Development; choice in terms of how to handle a particular challenge, as an active participant, with control over one's own learning and not being told "How"-you're making your own conscious choice.

Stories are an underused component of L&D. Here we can explore what we can learn from serious games and how to weave stories into your designs.

A key element of games based learning is player feedback and how feedback options are incorporated to add to the player's experience.


Routledge, H. (2022, June 22). 5 essential components of games based learning . Retrieved July 1, 2022, from https://elearningindustry.com/essential-components-of-games-based-learning


Game based learning, constructive learning, cognitive load, child’s play, player’s experience,news


Games-Based Learning