Medical Training Can Be Fun and Games
Medical Training Can Be Fun and Games
May 2, 2022
By Eric Gantwerker
Along with the technologies, there has been a massive boom in the world of video games for purposes other than entertainment, often termed serious games.
The fundamental characteristic of games is they are fun to play.
Games are fun to play, and players often learn the rules and create strategies almost seamlessly without any tutorials or reading a manual.
Software-based solutions will likely never replace physical simulation or patient cases, but the question is how can medical professionals leverage the technology and psychology of games to augment and supplement existing training paradigms?
Beyond video games, board games have been successful in the serious games category.
Medical professionals do see XR and games improperly used in medical education.
As games and XR continue to get infused into the medical education and surgical education spaces, game developers must properly leverage all the psychology and technologies to change the motivational patterns of medical education and properly cater to how people learn.
Gantwerker, E. (2022, May 02). Medical training can be fun and games: ATD. Retrieved July 7, 2022, from