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Gamification: a Strategy for Enterprises to Enable Digital Product Practices

Gamification: a Strategy for Enterprises to Enable Digital Product Practices

Gamification: a Strategy for Enterprises to Enable Digital Product Practices

Gamification: a Strategy for Enterprises to Enable Digital Product Practices

By Garima Bajpai and Ben Linders

September 27, 2021

Originally Published Here


Gamification in this context refers to the application of games in a non-game context.

Gamification has large potential but inherently, the application of gamification has been limited to typical trivial elements of game playing like creating scorecards, leaderboards, avatars, and badges.

Underpinning collective wisdom through gamification needs a systematic framework where we are able to integrate game ideation, design, validation & incentives with different persona types.

To successfully apply gamification for upskilling and boosting productivity, it will have to be accompanied by understanding the purposefulness through the following two critical perspectives: Benefits of embracing gamification for people - Removing fear, having fun, and making the desirable shift towards new knowledge; creating an environment that is inclusive and can provide a learning ecosystem for all.

Gamification toolbox Gamification can be applied to various industries and contexts, but here we will discuss creating a toolbox for products which is centered around software delivery.

Benefits of gamification Gamification leverages the power of collective thinking and enables a journey from individual to collective solutions.

Learn more about gamification for DevOps To learn more about gamification, it is best to join local communities to explore ideas.


Bajpai, G. (2021, September 27). Gamification: A strategy for enterprises to enable Digital Product Practices. Retrieved November 13, 2021, from https://www.infoq.com/articles/gamification-digital-product-practices/