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Games for Experiential Learning: A Primer for Researchers and Educators

Games for Experiential Learning: A Primer for Researchers and Educators

Games for Experiential Learning: A Primer for Researchers and Educators

Games for Experiential Learning: A Primer for Researchers and Educators

By Clayton Whittle

March 08, 2021

Originally Published Here


One of the most powerful affordances that researchers and educators find in games is their ability to act as experiential learning tools.

Scholars Dieleman and Husingh, Kurt Squire, and many others have highlighted the ways games can function as learning experiences.

What do we mean by experiential learning? Why is experiential learning important? More to the point, why do so many researchers point to videogames as a resource for developing experiential learning experiences?

Without diving too deep into the theory and language around learning sciences, what is experiential learning?

Experiential learning researchers have focused on problem-based and inquiry-based experiences.

Games can also empower experiential learning in that they ask players to imagine themselves within an experience.

Cheng, S. C., Hwang, G. J., & Chen, C. H. From reflective observation to active learning: A mobile experiential learning approach for environmental science education.

Demirbas, O. O., & Demirkan, H. Learning styles of design students and the relationship of academic performance and gender in design education.

Dieleman, H. and Huisingh, D. "Games by which to learn and teach about sustainable development: exploring the relevance of games and experiential learning for sustainability".

Kolb, D. A. Experiential learning: Experience as the source of learning and development.


Whittle, C. (2021, March 8). Games for experiential learning: A primer for researchers and educators. Retrieved June 22, 2021, from https://nasaga.org/nasaga-blog-experiential-learning/