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What questions about games for learning would you like answered?

What questions about games for learning would you like answered?

What questions about games for learning would you like answered?

What questions about games for learning would you like answered?

I’m working on my writing and research agenda for the University XP blog over the next few months. I’d like to focus on the questions that people have about designing, playing, and using games for teaching and learning.

What questions about games for learning would you like answered?

These questions could be simple such as “What are game goals?” and “What are Avatars?” To bigger philosophical questions like “What is constructivism?” or “What is interaction?”

Please let me know what your questions are by completing this short survey here: https://www.allourideas.org/uxp-blog-2021-05

This type of survey is unique. It presents you with two choices. Simply choose the topic you prefer out of the two.

The survey will rank that choice higher when I receive the results. The survey will then provide two more choices. Simply repeat the process.

If you don’t like either of the choices presented, then you use the “Add your own idea…” text field below to add your own idea.

Please provide as many (or as few) responses as you like.

Here’s the link to the survey again:


I appreciate your help.

Dave Eng, EdD
Managing Partner