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How Do You Keep Your Employees Motivated In A Remote Environment? Leadership Through

How Do You Keep Your Employees Motivated In A Remote Environment? Leadership Through

How Do You Keep Your Employees Motivated In A Remote Environment? Leadership Through

How Do You Keep Your Employees Motivated In A Remote Environment? Leadership Through Gamification

By Steve Taplin

November 18, 2020

Originally Published Here


Most employees enjoy their new freedom and the luxury of not having to commute to the office.

As the weeks, months and quarters go by, it can start getting lonely, and I've found that employees can experience a lack of motivation.

Often, organizations award scores or points with gamification to give employees immediate feedback - as well as gratification or a feeling of accomplishment.

Using this type of process often breaks down barriers between teams, employees and executives and brings a new level of motivation and commitment to everyone's work.

Employee referrals through gamification: Do not only reward employees for referring qualified people; make a contest out of it, and have quarterly or yearly "Grand prizes."

Tracking personal health goals: Have contests for employees to motivate them to get the most "Steps" in a month or a quarter.

Surveys: I always suggest that leaders use online anonymous surveys through which employees can submit their thoughts and input.

When employees know that these are anonymous, you are more likely to get honest and useful input that can truly help your organization.

To stay driven, employees need a sense of value and purpose.

Implementing gamification, where you create personalized challenges, weekly wins and progressing game narratives that chart a clear course to success and development, can be a key factor for growing your company successfully in this remote work environment.


Taplin, S. (2020, November 18). Council Post: How Do You Keep Your Employees Motivated In A Remote Environment? Leadership Through Gamification. Retrieved November 19, 2020, from https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbestechcouncil/2020/11/18/how-do-you-keep-your-employees-motivated-in-a-remote-environment-leadership-through-gamification/?sh=67248e755297