
Experience Points

Posts tagged rules
Episode 75 How to teach someone to play a game

On today’s episode we’ll cover “How to teach someone to play a game.” Bringing someone into gaming is one of the most rewarding aspects of the community. Games provide many great benefits. They can be entertaining, rewarding, and used for teaching, training, learning and development.

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Episode 60 What is the Lusory Attitude?

On today’s episode we’ll answer the question: “What is the Lusory Attitude?” We all play games for multiple reasons. No matter what the reason, we agree to a certain set of rules and expectations of play. Some of this involves us entering the “magic circle” of games. We have to suspend our disbelief in order to become fully enveloped in the game world.

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Episode 59 What is the “Magic Circle?”

We may play games for various reasons. One of the reasons why we play games is to escape. We escape to a faraway place that is different and distinct from the place that we call reality. That type of escape is into the “magic circle” of games. The magic circle is a place where different rules that govern our existence, actions, and consequences apply

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Episode 17 Real Fake Rules of Games

On today’s episode we’ll cover the Real Fake Rules of Games. Black Mirror’s season five premiere Striking Vipers has an oddly coincidental connection to games and the “lusory agreement” the players follow when playing them. If you haven’t see the episode yet, please note there are spoilers ahead (as well as sexually explicit content from the episode).

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Episode 13 Formal Game Structures

On today’s episode we’ll cover formal game structures. Formal game structures are the cornerstone on which game designers build their experiences. These structures shape what the designer intends to convey. These structures also help define what the player hopes to takeaway. Recognizing these formal structures helps your players define their experience.

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