
Elementals, A Chemistry Inclusive Serious Game

Elementals, A Chemistry Inclusive Serious Game

Elementals, A Chemistry Inclusive Serious Game

Paula Escudeiro, Márcia Campos Gouveia


"Promoting equity and social and educational inclusion of disabled people is a priority of European Education. Disabled students often feel challenged to com- municate or access information. However, with the emergence of new technologies, disabled students are offered more chances to have the same learning opportunities as others. Our current work contributes to the field of Educational Serious Game. Elementals, a chemistry-inclusive serious game, aims to assist all students in the learning process. It was designed to be inclusive for players with visual, hearing, and mobility impairments. Its purpose is to help students with chemistry and to be a complementary solution to common learning methods to enhance education. In our chapter, we will provide information about this developed game that educates, informs, entertains, and motivates chemistry students in their learning experience through a card game in which they learn the Table of Periodic Elements and use them to form molecules."


Escudeiro, P., & Gouveia, M. C. (2023). Elementals, a chemistry inclusive serious game. In IntechOpen (Chapter 1141147).


Educational Serious Games, Inclusion, Accessibility