Designing an Augmented Reality Learning Experience for Library Instruction as a Technology Novice
Designing an Augmented Reality Learning Experience for Library Instruction as a Technology Novice
Designing an Augmented Reality Learning Experience for Library Instruction as a Technology Novice
Amber Sewell
"This instructional design case describes the author’s process for creating an augmented reality learning experience for library instruction at an academic library. With no budget, no team, and little experience with this type of technology, this design case describes the development of an instructional design utilizing emerging technologies. It also addresses the constraints of solo work, small or nonexistent budgets, little no experience using the technology, and interest but no support for learning and implementing an innovative solution to a design problem"
Sewell, A. (2023, July 12). Designing an augmented reality learning experience for library instruction as a technology novice. International Journal of Designs for Learning.
Augmented Reality (AR), Instructional Design, Library Instruction