
Augmented Learning: Case Study of Gamified and Extended Reality Courses

Augmented Learning: Case Study of Gamified and Extended Reality Courses

Saverio Iacono


"The maturation of gamification techniques and virtual reality technologies has progressed differently. Today, gamification has been consolidated, and virtual reality is becoming a widespread technology. These two are united in the university course of “virtual reality, augmented reality and gamification” as the Msc curriculum in Digital Humanities. This is a STEM course where an original gamification system was studied to teach complex topics with different bachelor backgrounds as engineering, design, communication, and literature studies. This research was conducted starting in the academic year 2016–2017 using TV series to create a sense of engagement during the course. The results of the 6 year teaching of the gamified course were presented in this article with constant feedback from involved students."


Iacono, S. (2023). Augmented learning: Case study of gamified and extended reality courses. MDPI.


Gamification, Enhanced Learning, Extended Reality