Higher-education students’ perceptions of point-based gamification in a learning management system
Higher-education students’ perceptions of point-based gamification in a learning management system
Higher-education students’ perceptions of point-based gamification in a learning management system
Aseel Berglund, Izabella Jedel
"To understand what makes gamification successful there is a need to study individual game elements over time. The aim of the present longitudinal case study was to investigate the game element points in a higher-education context, in relation to the hedonic and utilitarian aspects of a gamified learning management system and novelty effects. A scale was developed based on utilitarian, hedonic and motivational elements of the point system, uncovering two main components: perceived value of points, and perceived motivation of points. The results showed that the perception of the points was positively related to the hedonic perception of a gamified learning management system, and that novelty effects are present. Based on the results, we suggest that points in higher education should be designed with regards to how students perceive the value and motivational aspects behind them and with considerations of how novelty effects can be mitigated."
Berglund, A., & Jedel, I. (2023). Higher-education students’ perceptions of point-based gamification in a learning management system. DIVA Portal. https://www.diva-portal.org/smash/record.jsf?pid=diva2%3A1828171&dswid=2930
Gamification, Hedonic Dimension, Utilitarian Dimension