
Work-In-Progress: Towards A Gamified Tool for Multi-Campus Learning Activity Design

Work-In-Progress: Towards A Gamified Tool for Multi-Campus Learning Activity Design

Work-In-Progress: Towards A Gamified Tool for Multi-Campus Learning Activity Design

Abdullah Bahmani, Rune Hjelsvold


"By convention, designing learning activities in higher education is one of the main responsibilities of academic staff. designing activities for multi-campus settings, where more than one campus is involved in the activities need to consider the related context of multi-campus universities. in this paper. Using the D6 gamification framework, we describe the development of gamified tools for teachers. With this tool, teachers from different campuses of a multi-campus university can sit together and design the desired activities for their joint course."


Bahmani, A., & Hjelsvold, R. (2023). Work-in-progress: Towards a gamified tool for multi-campus learning activity design. IEEE.


Gamification, Multi-campus Course, Activity Design