Enhancing student engagement with personalized gamification and adaptive learning strategies
Enhancing student engagement with personalized gamification and adaptive learning strategies
Enhancing student engagement with personalized gamification and adaptive learning strategies
Gordana Borotić,Tomislav Jagušt
"This Research to Practice Work In Progress paper presents our experience and preliminary results of introducing adaptive and gamified digital learning lessons to lower primary school students. To improve motivation and engagement, besides the adaptivity of the learning content itself, the game elements like points, and rewards were added to the learning lessons. Additionally, the activities supported two different game modes, adventure and competitive. In adventure mode, students were solving the assigned tasks to discover interesting new facts about the world around them, and in the competitive mode, they were collecting points and trophies to beat their classmates.The preliminary study was conducted with two small groups of third-grade students (age 8-9, N=18) who used tablet computers to access and complete the prepared mathematics learning activities. A questionnaire was organized to collect additional information and student attitudes toward each of the approaches.The preliminary results show that personalized gamification has the potential to improve student engagement, which could, eventually, lead to more successful learning."
Borotić, G., & Jagušt, T. (2022, October). Enhancing student engagement with personalized gamification and adaptive learning strategies. In 2022 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE) (pp. 1-5). IEEE. https://www.computer.org/csdl/proceedings-article/fie/2022/09962647/1IHnTQs7zBS
learning, students, engagement