Assessing The Effect of Gamification on Holistic Work Engagement of Millennial Workers
Assessing The Effect of Gamification on Holistic Work Engagement of Millennial Workers
Assessing The Effect of Gamification on Holistic Work Engagement of Millennial Workers
By Nopriadi Saputra, Eka Maya Sari Siwi Ciptaningsih
"This paper aims to assess the influence of gamification on work engagement in the holistic framework. A cross-sectional study with involved 401 millennial office workers in Jakarta and Tangerang was conducted. PLS SEM with SmartPLS version 3.3 application was utilized for testing the research model statistically. The analysis result found that gamification has positive influence on holistic work strongly. Performance as one of dimensions of gamification has stronger impact on psychical, intellectual, emotional, and spiritual engagement rather than purpose and motivation of gamification. For engaging millennial worker at office, the organizations should develop performance management system in considering the principles of gamification."
Saputra, N., & Ciptaningsih, E. M. S. S. (2022, September). Assessing The Effect of Gamification on Holistic Work Engagement of Millennial Workers. In 2022 10th International Conference on Cyber and IT Service Management (CITSM) (pp. 1-5). IEEE.
gamification, engagement, influence