Gamification as a Resource in Education. A Bibliometric Analysis in Times of Pandemic
Gamification as a Resource in Education. A Bibliometric Analysis in Times of Pandemic
Gamification as a Resource in Education. A Bibliometric Analysis in Times of Pandemic
By Dennis Arias-Chávez, Carlos Augusto Luy-Montejo, Zoila Mercedes Collantes Inga, Yrene Cecilia Uribe-Hernández
"The objective of the study is to describe the world scientific production on gamification in the Scopus and Web of Science databases between the months of January 2020 and March 2022. We worked with a universe consisting of 754 documents from the database Web of Science and 1443 from Scopus. The results indicate that, in terms of the number of authors, Scopus has 1,336 and Web of Science, 2,223. The rate of collaboration between authors is slightly higher in Web of Science (3.18) compared to 3.05 in Scopus. Regarding the author with the highest production on the subject, Juho Hamari stood out, while the Lecture notes in computer science magazines in Scopus and the Sustainability magazine in WoS stood out as the media with the highest production of articles on gamification; On the other hand, Spain was the main country producing scientific evidence, and the type of scientific production that stood out was the original articles. The growth of scientific production on gamification is corroborated and further growth is forecast for the coming years."
Arias-Chávez, D., Luy-Montejo, C. A., Inga, Z. M. C., & Uribe-Hernández, Y. C. (2022). Gamification as a Resource in Education. A Bibliometric Analysis in Times of Pandemic. Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results, 268-276.
gamification, production, growth