Service experience gamified: a study on convergence of gamification and contemporary service experience
Service experience gamified: a study on convergence of gamification and contemporary service experience
Service experience gamified: a study on convergence of gamification and contemporary service experience
By Tapish Panwar and Kalim Khan
"Gamification has gained significant attention in the last decade, both, in academic and service marketing domains. The application of gamification in service marketing, especially in the service experience domain has shown promise in terms of user adoption and engagement. However, there is a dearth in academic literature on adoption of gamification in servicescape, and integration of the gamification and service experience streams of literature. This paper aims at achieving multiple objectives starting from integration of gamification and service experience literature, as well as building a set of motivation drivers for gamification, and a process structure for service experience with the help of extant research. The paper is based on a systematic literature review of 53 papers in the areas of gamification, and service experience. The paper then compares the gamification phenomena and service experience processes to extract motivation drivers, and process structures for gamification and service experience respectively. Finally, a convergence framework for gamification and service experience is discussed that shall help service practitioners by driving adoption and utilisation of gamification effectively for shaping improved service experience."
Panwar, T., & Khan, K. (2022). Service experience gamified: a study on convergence of gamification and contemporary service experience. International Journal of Internet Marketing and Advertising, 17(3-4), 415-436.
gamification, service experience, service marketing