Evaluation of Systematically Developed Gamification Strategies with Game-Balance Simulation Tools
Evaluation of Systematically Developed Gamification Strategies with Game-Balance Simulation Tools
Evaluation of Systematically Developed Gamification Strategies with Game-Balance Simulation Tools
By David Kessing and Manuel Löwer
“Gamification describes the “use of game design elements in non-game contexts” and is a modern method of motivational design. It aims to motivate people to perform Desired Actions in a specific context. The development of successful gamification strategies requires a consistent, systematic approach. This consists of context and user analysis, technology ideation, and mechanics design. Ultimately, in the practical application, the so-called testing, it must be examined what influence the gamification strategies actually have in order to make eventual adjustments before the implementation takes place in the target context. A prior, objective evaluation possibility does not exist and is therefore often limited to the empirical experience of gamification designers. The balancing of video games can be tested with digital simulation tools (e.g.machinations.io), which show the described relationships in flow charts. This research work shows that gamification strategies for products can be mapped and evaluated with the help of game balancing simulation tools to make better statements about the probability of success. Conclusions and requirements for the general simulation of gamification strategies with game balancing tools are drawn from an exemplary application. A structured process with instructions for the implementation of gamification strategies in game-balance simulation tools helps gamification developers in practical applications”
Kessing, D., & Löwer, M. (2022). Evaluation of systematically developed gamification strategies with ... Retrieved September 28, 2022, from https://www.researchgate.net/publication/361245931_Evaluation_of_Systematically_Developed_Gamification_Strategies_with_Game-Balance_Simulation_Tools
Gamification, strategies, game-balance simulation, tools, evaluation, research