Game design: Re-imagining learning and teaching leadership through active gameplay
Game design: Re-imagining learning and teaching leadership through active gameplay
Game design: Re-imagining learning and teaching leadership through active gameplay
By Mariana J. Lebrón and Joe Lasley
“Games aren't just useful products, the process of creating games is playful and full of learning potential. This article builds upon a discussion of game-based learning as a cyclical, iterative process that includes motivation, action, and feedback by taking the discussion of the activity of creating games as learning activity. Leadership students first interact with predesigned gaming environments and then, as further demonstration of the confluence of game-learned skills/knowledge and theory, they come to create their own cooperative gaming worlds.”
Lebrón, M. J., & ; Lasley, J. (2022). Game design: Re‐imagining learning and teaching leadership through active gameplay. New Directions for Student Leadership, 2022(174), 111-120. doi:10.1002/yd.20504
Game design, learning, teaching, leadership, active, gameplay, research