Minecraft as a Tool for Teaching Online Programming
Minecraft as a Tool for Teaching Online Programming
Minecraft as a Tool for Teaching Online Programming
By P. Voštinár and R. Dobrota
“Video games are nowadays very popular among people of all ages. One of the most popular games is Minecraft. There are many versions of this game. Minecraft: The Education Edition is the most used version in schools. This version provides opportunities f or children to develop their computer skills and mathematical thinking. For teaching coding, it is possible to use Python, Java, JavaScript or block-based language (Makecode Minecraft). This article is focused on game-based learning through the popular Minecraft game Minecraft: Education Edition-as a tool in the education process for teaching. We have developed many methodics for teaching programming in this world; we introduced one of these methodics in this paper.”
Vostinar, P., &; Dobrota, R. (2022). Minecraft as a tool for teaching online programming. 2022 45th Jubilee International Convention on Information, Communication and Electronic Technology (MIPRO). doi:10.23919/mipro55190.2022.9803384 https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/9803384/keywords#keywords
Gamification, Minecraft, programming, block-based language, research