Leveraging Gamification into EFL Grammar Class to Boost Student Engagement
Leveraging Gamification into EFL Grammar Class to Boost Student Engagement
Leveraging Gamification into EFL Grammar Class to Boost Student Engagement
By Priyatno Ardi and Elvira Rianita
“Student engagement is paramount for the success of EFL learning. This paper explores how theleverage of a game-based learning platform, Kahoot!, into EFL grammar learning and teachingboosted student engagement. One grammar lecturer and 22 English-major students participated inthis qualitative case study. Data were obtained through observations, reflective journals, and interviews. The results revealed that the platform enhanced studentengagement in EFL grammarlearning in six ways, namely enabling students to set goals, helping students focus more on thetasks, facilitating students to build enthusiasm and interest in learning, allowing students toexperience playful learning activities, facilitating students to collaborate with their friends, andfulfilling students’ need of reward and sense of competition. The students were also reported toexhibit behavioral, cognitive, and emotional dimensions of engagement during the implementationof Kahoot!. The findings have important implications for EFL grammar learning and teaching. Inaddition to the affordances of Kahoot!, teachers are still central to the implementation of theplatform to engage the students in EFL grammar learning.”
Ardi, P., & Rianita, E. (2022). Leveraging Gamification into EFL Grammar Class to Boost Student Engagement. Retrieved July 05, 2022, from https://repository.usd.ac.id/42724/1/8048_ARTICLE5_LEVERAGING%2BGAMIFICATION%2BINTO%2BEFL%2BGRAMMAR%2BCLASS%2BTO%2BBOOST%2BSTUDENT%2BENGAGEMENT.pdf
Student engagement, EFL grammar learning, gamification, Kahoot!, research