Promoting oral interaction through tabletop role playing games
Promoting oral interaction through tabletop role playing games
Promoting oral interaction through tabletop role playing games
By Francy Viviana Pulgarín Alfonso
“Fostering spoken communication in a foreign language classroom is not an easytask since meaningful oral exchanges require a real reason that justifies interaction. Bymeans of document analysis, the problem was identified, which is a lack of oral interactionin many EFL Colombian classrooms. Thus, this document presents a Pedagogical andDidactic Innovation Proposal for eleventh graders that belong to the public educationalsystem to promote oral interaction in EFL settings through game-based learning andcollaborative learning. To this effect, a tabletop role-playing campaign was designed, which
aims to encourage students to communicate orally to progress in the game and achieve theircommon goals. This proposal is divided into nine lesson plans that start with introductoryactivities, continue with the game sessions, and finish with feedback about the students’oral performance.”
Pulgarin Alfonso, F. (2022). Promoting oral interaction through tabletop role playing games. Retrieved June 30, 2022, from
Collaborative learning, English as a foreign language, game-based learning, innovation, oral interaction, tabletop role-playing game, research