
Gamification in training with next generation AI- virtual reality, animation design and immersive technology

Gamification in training with next generation AI- virtual reality, animation design and immersive technology

Gamification in training with next generation AI- virtual reality, animation design and immersive technology

By Abhishek Kumar


"Multimedia tools and immersive technology have enormous potential for actively engaging students and improving learning quality. This research aims into the use of virtual reality (VR) in physical training and sports rigorous training to give students a new perspective on college training and educational training, as well as to improve the professional level and training excellence of college athletes. We present a revolutionary Virtual Reality-based Physical Training (VR-PT) technology for effective virtual reality instruction on a digital application. The semi-supervised learning framework was used to implement movement inputs and interactive reality methods. Virtual simulation and differentiated selection techniques based on Q statistical data are used first to identify sports students with excellent independent learning capacity, followed by the classifier’s neighbour reliability. Experiment results indicate that this strategy can successfully support physical training practices while also improving students’ learning performance. The effectiveness of students in athletics has increased by 30%. Simultaneously, two-thirds of people believe their involvement in athletic training has increased by 80%, and 90% of college coaches believe that using VR technology throughout physical training is extremely important for improving the technical aspect as well as the reliability of college sports training."


Kumar, A. (2022). Gamification in training with next generation AI-virtual reality, animation design and immersive technology. Journal of Experimental & Theoretical Artificial Intelligence, 1-14.


virtual reality technology, gamification, physical training