Exploring flow-promoting management and leadership skills via serious gaming
Exploring flow-promoting management and leadership skills via serious gaming
Exploring flow-promoting management and leadership skills via serious gaming
By Zoltan Buzady, Agnes Wimmer, Anita Csesznak & Peter Szentesi
“The considerable proliferation of serious games (SG) in management education necessitates an academic foundation grounded in the concepts and practice of leadership, Flow, learning and development theory. Going beyond addressing the benefits of SG, this study is the first to demonstrate the successful use of SG in two areas: (a) teaching Flow theory within management studies via dedicated software designed to train a Flow-promoting Leadership style; and (b) showing that SG can serve as an innovative tool for measuring 29 leadership skills. The article demonstrates how non-intrusive data – collected during FLIGBY gameplay by 7931 managers globally, who made 150+ simulated leadership decisions – de facto support the process of leadership skill development. The findings show the system of relationships among the four critical Flow-promoting Leadership Skills that are needed for leading a work environment with more frequent Flow experiences. The results support educators and content developers in their quest to find optimal pathways and combinations for effectively developing skills by showing the underlying complexities of Flow and Leadership. The study contributes to the application of Flow-promoting leadership theory in practice via the help of innovative SG technology.”
Buzady, Z., Wimmer, A., Csesznak, A., &; Szentesi, P. (2022). Exploring flow-promoting management and leadership skills via serious gaming. Interactive Learning Environments, 1-15. doi:10.1080/10494820.2022.2098775 https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/10494820.2022.2098775?cookieSet=1
Serious games, game-based psychometrics, flow theory, leadership skills measurement, adaptive learning system, research