The effects of gamification on intrinsic motivation in the context of crowdsourced civil engagement
The effects of gamification on intrinsic motivation in the context of crowdsourced civil engagement
The effects of gamification on intrinsic motivation in the context of crowdsourced civil engagement
ByRobson M. Araujo-Junior&Alec M. Bodzin
“Civil participation levels have been in a state of decline in recent years [1]. Participation is an important aspect of an equal and fair democracy; this goes beyond voting and includes formal and informal civil activities [2]. There is great potential for digital tools (e-participation) to empower citizens to utilize the power of crowdsourcing [3, 4, 5, 6,7]. However, increasing participation will take more than designing tools that afford participation; new ways to motivate citizens must be developed [8]. There is a growing call to develop gamified e-participation tools to increase user motivation [9, 10, 11, 12]. This paper investigates the use of gamification in the domain of a civil engagement crowdsource app (CEC).”
Araujo-Junior, R. M., & Bodzin, A. M. (2022). Effects of a place-based digital gameful learning experience on middle school students’ watershed literacy and attitudes about desktop virtual reality gameplay. Interactive Learning Environments, 1-19. doi:10.1080/10494820.2022.2118785
Gamification, motivational design, game design, design thinking, crowdsource, civic engagement, research