Gamit! Interactive platform for gamification
Gamit! Interactive platform for gamification
By Elvira G. Rincon-Flores, Alberto Matsuura Sonoda, Nadia Rodriguez-Rodriguez, Brenda N. Santos-Guevara, and Hernan Quintana-Cruz
“Gamit! is a software platform that enables instructors to use gamification concepts and techniques in their classrooms. Currently, the platform allows instructors to create leaderboards and use badges to incentivize students in the pursuit of learning. The results during a user experience testing phase (one university academic term) using the System Usability Scale, showed that the platform is easy to use, and the functionalities work correctly.”
Rincon-Flores, E. G., Rodriguez-Rodriguez, N., Santos-Guevara, B. N., Sonoda, A. M., &; Quintana-Cruz, H. (2022). Gamit! interactive platform for Gamification. 2022 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON). doi:10.1109/educon52537.2022.9766380
Web platform, rewards mechanics, educational innovation, higher education, gamification, research