Using Gamification and Game-based Learning to Increase Student Engagement
Using Gamification and Game-based Learning to Increase Student Engagement
Using Gamification and Game-based Learning to Increase Student Engagement
By Ellen Howell
“Many educators are faced with the issue of motivating students to be engaged in the classroom. Motivation is crucial because it is known to be a predictor of academic success. To increase motivation one possible solution is to incorporate game-based learning and gamification (GBLGM) activities into the classroom. Educators may not know how to effectively use GBLGM in the classroom and are therefore hesitant to implement. Additionally, educators may not be aware of the most effective gaming elements to include when incorporating GBLGM into the classroom. The handbook in the appendix of this project was written to help general education teachers implement research based GBLGM activities in their classrooms.”
Howell, E. (2022). Using Gamification and Game-based Learning to Increase Student Engagement. Retrieved May 27, 2022, from
Gamification, game-based learning, increase, student engagement, research