
Game based learning with artificial intelligence and immersive technologies: an overview

Game based learning with artificial intelligence and immersive technologies: an overview

Game based learning with artificial intelligence and immersive technologies: an overview

Game based learning with artificial intelligence and immersive technologies: an overview

By Yulia Yu. Dyulicheva and Anastasia O. Glazieva


“The usage of serious games with AI and immersive technologies in education is considered in the paper. We discussed the development of serious educational games with adaptability and personalization based on recognition of the images, human emotions, speech, and intelligent agents usage for the simulation of “being there” effect of a human opponent, and control of the complexity of game levels and game contents. We investigated some tools for teachers and students to allow the creation of the educational games--based on AI and immersive technologies without programming skills existence: Aurora Neverwinter Nights toolset, eCraft2Learn tool with visual programming on Snap!, Scratch with AI abilities, Metaverse Studio for AR applications development with computer vision models using Google AI, CoSpaces Eduand EV Toolbox constructors for immersive apps.”


Dvulicheva, Y. Y., &Glazieva, A. O. (2021, December 18). Game based learning with artificial ... - Retrieved April 11, 2022, from


Educational games, AI in education, immersive technologies in education, AR/VR constructors with AI modules, research