Design of the Seven Stages of Educational Game to Generate Gamification
Design of the Seven Stages of Educational Game to Generate Gamification
Design of the Seven Stages of Educational Game to Generate Gamification
By Indra Gamayanto, Hanny Haryanto, and Ardiawan Bagus Harisa
“Nowadays, gamification in education is very much needed. It is because gamification will provide good motivation for students so that learning objectives can be achieved. However, the gamification usually reward-centered, and have limited scope in just giving the feedback. This research is a development of previous research that discussed virtual reality, the concept of techno family, and innovation profiling. These three concepts eventually develop into the seven stages of educational game, which will lay the concept of how gamification can be applied to achieve learning objectives. In this research, our focus is to create the concept of gamification based on the seven stages of educational game. The stages will blend into the learning activity. Gamification used to focus on rewards, however there must be a clear concept in process for earning the rewards. This research results in the concept of seven stages of educational game (educational Gamification): see, discussion, establish, build, define, decide, and expand (implementation). These seven stages will be the basis for developing further research in gamification.”
Gamayanto, I., Haryanto, H., &; Harisa, A. B. (2021). Design of the seven stages of educational game to generate gamification. 2021 1st Conference on Online Teaching for Mobile Education (OT4ME). doi:10.1109/ot4me53559.2021.9638793
Gamification, educational game, seven stages, learning objectives, research