Gamification as a Strategy for Visual Literacy Skills-Based Education: A Proposal for Educational Libraries
Gamification as a Strategy for Visual Literacy Skills-Based Education: A Proposal for Educational Libraries
Gamification as a Strategy for Visual Literacy Skills-Based Education: A Proposal for Educational Libraries
By Miguel-Ángel Marzal& Sara Martínez Cardama
“The article describes a proposal for a skills-based trainingcourse, including the methodology involved and resultsobtained. In this online course, the areas of competence andthe teaching method adopted draw from the precepts of visualliteracy. Gamification is the approach adopted to encouragestudent participation in and engagement with the learningprocess. The findings corroborate the effectiveness and replicability of this educational toolkit and identify online libraryservices as essential partners. The collaboration of such servicesis ideal for implementing the proposal for online universitytraining. One line of action suggested in this regard is to useacademic skills centers (ASC) to link library resources to non-formal digital skills training in pursuit of academic excellence.”
Marzal, M., &Cardama, S. (2021). Gamification as a strategy for visual literacy skills-based education: A proposal for educational libraries. Retrieved March 12, 2022, from
Visual literacy, gamification, higher education, digital skills, online education, digital educational libraries, academic skills centers, research