Game-based learning: Reinforcing a paradigm transition on pedagogy amid COVID-19 to complement
Game-based learning: Reinforcing a paradigm transition on pedagogy amid COVID-19 to complement
Game-based learning: Reinforcing a paradigm transition on pedagogy amid COVID-19 to complement emergency online education
By Cathy Mae Toquero, Dalj Andrew Sonsona, and Karen Joy B. Talidong
“As classes transitioned to the emergency online learning environments, teachers are confronted with pedagogic challenges, particularly on ways to stimulate the curiosity, creativity, and critical thinking of the students. To address this challenging scenario, the application of game-based learning can equip the teachers with pedagogical advantage to supplement their instruction in the experimentum crusis of emergency online teaching amid the global health emergency. This article can give insights to the educators relative to the benefits of game-based learning to uplift the skills of digital learners during the worldwide transition to digital learning during the COVID-19 and post-pandemic era. Higher education can incorporate game-based pedagogy during their virtual classes. It recommends a strengthening of the utilization of game-based learning to further deliver authentic learning to meet the needs of the learners despite the pandemic, without compromising the health and safety of the learners. The authors are hoping that eventually, the game-based vantage point can inspire educators for a paradigm transition from conventional classes and online technological experiments to a learner-centered online learning environment in the post-pandemic world.”
Toquero, C. M., Sonsona, D. A., & Talidong, K. J. (2021). Game-Based Learning: Reinforcing a paradigm transition on pedagogy amid covid-19 to complement emergency online education. International Journal of Didactical Studies, 2(2), 10458-10458. doi:10.33902/ijods.2021269730
COVID-19, online learning, game-based learning, emergency remote teaching, emergency online teaching, game pedagogy, research