
Using Gamification to Enhance Second Language Learning

Using Gamification to Enhance Second Language Learning

Using Gamification to Enhance Second Language Learning

Using Gamification to Enhance Second Language Learning

Jorge Francisco Figueroa Flores


β€œOne major competence for learners in the 21st century is acquiring a second language (L2). Based on this, L2 instruction has integrated new concepts to motivate learners in their pursue of achieving fluency. A concept that is adaptable to digital natives and digital immigrants that are learning a L2 is Gamification. As a pedagogical strategy, Gamification is basically new, but it has been used successfully in the business world. Gamification not only uses game elements and game design techniques in non-game contexts (Werbach & Hunter, 2012), but also empowers and engages the learner with motivational skills towards a learning approach and sustaining a relax atmosphere. This personality factor as Brown (1994) addresses is fundamental in the teaching and learning of L2. This article covers aspects regarding language, second language learning methodology and approaches, an overview of the integration of technology towards L2 instruction, Gamification as a concept, motivational theory, educational implications for integrating the strategy effectively, and current applications used. It also calls for a necessity of empirical evidence and research in regards to the strategy.”.


Flores, J. F. F. (2015). Using gamification to enhance second language learning. Digital Education Review, (27), 32-54.


Gamification, strategy, teaching