
Enhancing statistical literacy skills through real life activities enriched with gamification elements: An experimental study

Enhancing statistical literacy skills through real life activities enriched with gamification elements: An experimental study

Enhancing statistical literacy skills through real life activities enriched with gamification elements: An experimental study

Enhancing statistical literacy skills through real life activities enriched with gamification elements: An experimental study

Ünal Çakıroğlu, Mustafa Güle


“This study attempts to determine whether gamification can be used as a pedagogical technique to overcome the challenges in teaching statistics. A post-test quasi-experimental design was carried out in gamified and non-gamified groups in order to reveal the effect of gamification elements in cultivating students’ statistical literacy skills. Students in gamified group were also interviewed to understand the function of gamification process. The results suggest that; although gamifying the instructional process had a positive impact on developing students’ statistical literacy in medium and high score students; surprisingly the influence of the gamification to the low- achieved scores were not positive. The positive impact was discussed in accordance with the gradual structure of statistical literacy and suggestions for successful gamification applications due to the context were included”.


Çakıroğlu, Ü., & Güler, M. Enhancing statistical literacy skills through real life activities enriched with gamification elements: An experimental study. E-Learning and Digital Media, 2042753020987016.


Gamification, progressive instructional processes, statistical literacy